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Current Group Timetable

Updated February 2025


Community Support 12-3pm

Senior lads 4.30pm age 16+

Inter lads' group 5.30pm  age 12 -15

Girls Music with Anna and Georgia 4.15-6.15

Detached session 7pm


Community support 12-3pm

Junior Girls 4.30pm age 8-11

Inters  - 5.30pm age 12-15


Community Food Support 1.00pm

Music with Adam and Freddie 4.30-6.30

Inter lads 4.30 age 12+

The Key groups 5.30-7.00pm

Detached session 7.00pm


Mums group 1.00-3.00pm

Junior boys 4.00 age 8-11

Inter Girls 5.15pm age 12+

Senior girls 6.30 -7.30pm age 16+

Young Peoples committee 7.30pm - 8.30pm


Support with education, employment and training 11-2pm

Junior boys 4.00 age 8-11

Detached session 6 pm


Open session 12.00pm - 2.30pm

Senior group 3.00pm


Groups at NBYP

Group sessions still remain popular at NBYP.  Many of the children and young people want to attend weekly session. The benefits of working in a group lead to improved social skills including developing stronger communication skills, cooperation and conflict resolution skill. We run Junior, Inters and senior sessions. We now open every Saturday for an open access sessions. This is one of the busiest sessions, often children and young people are limited to where they can attend social activities due to financial constraints. All our sessions are free of charge.

For the past 10 years we have be running a mums group who meet every Thursday

Music sessions

NBYP continue to be a part of the East by North East music project funded and led by Gem Arts. These sessions are lively and fun with an opportunity to learn a musical skill such as playing an instrument, writing lyrics, singing and performing to others.  The sessions run every Monday (girls) and every Wednesday (boys). During the boy’s sessions, learning to play together as a band rather than trying to outperform each other can take time to grasp

One to one support

One to one support runs by an appointment system so that workers are able to focus on the young person’s request. Sessions can often be noisy and hectic so times are chosen when the project will be quiet and more private.

As we are located in the neighbourhood where the young people live which makes us accessible and easier for them to attend an appointment. Many young people will drop-in to speak to a worker, or request help in messenger when an issue arises. We can negotiate a time for them to attend the project.

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