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What the Organisation Does

Our Mission Statement:

The objects of the CIO are to help young people up to the age of 25 living in North Benwell ("the area of benefit"), especially but not exclusively through leisure time activities so as to develop their capabilities that they may grow to full maturity as individuals and members of society.

Our Values:

·      Young person led

·         Compassionate

·         Safe

·         Supportive

Our Vision

Our vision is for "the young people of North Benwell to have the same opportunities and start in life as any others in Newcastle. We work to nurture our young people's self-worth and empower them to choose their own path through life, helping them build the skills and confidence they need to develop.

Our Activities:

Engagement work: This enables the NBYP to meet potential users. Engagement is conducted by detached work (meeting young people in the street) and dedicated sports sessions.

Group work: opportunities to explore life and relationship issues and practise life-skills such as planning and organising in a safe environment, as well building self-esteem and confidence. These sessions are very popular with 8-16 year olds.

One-to-one: opportunities for the youth workers to help with very specific current disadvantages for individual users, offering direct support or signposting to more appropriate organisations.

Drop-in sessions: These sessions mean that a young person can speak to workers as and when they feel the need of support or advice, or often when a crisis arises. Often NBYP is a young person's first port of call. 

Holiday programmes: opportunities to gain confidence and participate in something new and rich in learning through more adventurous activities and residential trips.

Workers have built strong relationships with the Eastern European Roma Community living in Benwell over many years.

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Our Funders

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Community coach trip


Our Staff

Margaret Ridley - Project Coordinator

Lisa Young - Deputy Project coordinator

Malcolm Wharton (Mala) - Youth worker

Sarah Howe - Sessional Worker

Jennifer Horvathova - trainee youth worker

Keera Storey - Saturday support 

Jan Cina - Saturday support

Laura Ward - Volunteer

Lucie Cinova - Volunteer

Filip Sivak - Volunteer

Adela Sivakova - Volunteer


Chairperson - Andrea Spowart

Chloe Eastabrook - Treasurer

James Garratt - trustee

Michael Keller - trustee

Kirsty Daniels - Deputy Chair

Keera Storey - young persons representative


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